Anamorphic room Princessehof Leeuwarden Anamorphic room by Leon Keer A contemporary interpretation of the work Convex and Concave (1955) (Hol en Bol)...
Escher’s Journey Leeuwarden Anamorphic work in Leeuwarden (cultural capital of Europe 2018). On several locations are being made 5 different anamorphic...
3D cilinder Escher Museum 荷兰海牙埃舍尔博物馆的变形画。 我采用光学圆柱体透镜创作了这副变形画。你可以看到地板上扭曲的绘画,并可以通过圆柱体透镜来观察其正确的形状。 Pintura anamórfica para o Museu Escher de Haia na Holanda. Usei um espelho ótico cilíndrico para...