Stop-motion Lego heart by Leon Keer Love: Leon Keer painted 66 anamorphic lego pieces who together eventually formed a heart. Look closely to the...
3D Mural ‘Fertilizer’ Tampa 3D Mural ‘Fertilizer’ Tampa 3D mural ‘Fertilizer’ Tampa Florida. Fertilizer can grow your crops but can also polute...
3D Legoland Germany To color up the weekends of ‘Die Langen Nächte’ in Legoland Günzburg Germany I created 3 x 3d...
Legoland/Hyundai 3d street art in Legoland Gunzburg Germany. Commissioned by Hyundai I created this anamorphic painting with Lego superman...
Side-effect anamorphic art by Leon Keer Optical Illusion Painting ‘Side-effect’ by Leon Keer. ‘Side-effect’. Wall- and floor painting, anamorphic art. Painted on location at...