3D streetart ‘RESET’ Sand City CA Time to RESET Anamorphic street art for @we.createart Sand City CA USA. painted with help of Massina @marijespelbos. Thx...
3D streetpainting ‘Misfit’ at Château du Taureau 3D floor painting ‘MISFIT’, anamorphic artwork for MX ARTS TOUR at Château du Taureau en Baie de Morlaix...
Stop-motion Lego heart by Leon Keer Love: Leon Keer painted 66 anamorphic lego pieces who together eventually formed a heart. Look closely to the...
3D streetpainting ‘Fake News’ Montreal Anamorphic painting ‘Fake News’ ‘FAKE NEWS’ new anamorphic artwork (3D streetpainting) made with acrylic paint for Mural Festival...
3D streetpainting Oxycontin 3D streetpainting Sarasota FL Anamorphic street art (3D streetpainting) by Leon Keer on view in Sarasota Florida (https://chalkfestival.org)....
3D streetpainting Madrid ‘Que nadie se quede atrás, leave no one behind’ New anamorphic artwork (3D streetpainting) World Water Day 2019...
This street artist’s 3D illusions will blow your mind The INSIDER Summary: – Leon Keer is an anamorphic artist who converts 2D sketches into 3D masterpieces. –...
3D Streetpainting Kunsthalle Munchen 3D streetpainting by Leon Keer Anamorphic floor painting for upcoming exhibition ‘Lust der Täuschung’ @kunsthallemuc in @fuenf_hoefe Munich...
3D streetpainting Bodegraven Don’t lose your colors Anamorphic artwork (3d streetpainting) in Bodegraven The Netherlands @streetartfestivalbodegraven ...
‘Sacrifice’ Anamorphic Artwork ‘Sacrifice’ Anamorphic Artwork at Dubai Canvas Playing this grabbing machine is shifting a lifestyle away from consumption and...